5 Gifts of Clarity

I’m sure you have a favorite drink to savor in the winter, you know what I mean right? A warm soothing cup of morning bliss.  I’m craving ginger and lime tea, not the kind that comes in a store-bought package. I need slices of ginger […]


How Are You Eating?

Slow. Deliberate. Mindful. Those three words describe my newfound eating practice.  I began my year, like so many others, with a fast. As I fast and pray, it’s about more than giving up food. This is the final semester of my Bachelor’s degree, and like […]

Feeling Our Feelings

The other day I experienced a shame attack.  Have you ever had one of those? I felt exposed. I didn’t want to be seen. “What is up with that?” I asked myself.  Tears came quickly as I wrote about the experience. I wondered if anyone […]

5 Ways to be More Observant

“You’re not very observant.” my husband matter-of-factly declared. At first, it hurt my feelings. Then I began to notice details I hadn’t seen before. How long have I lived with unfocused eyes? My overwhelmed, just-get-it-done, to-do list following lifestyle damaged my view of the world […]

How to Savor the Journey

May I be honest with you? As I’m typing, all I see is my broken nail. I’m not upset over it. Just slightly annoyed by it. It feels like a symbol for this season of my life. It’s not what I planned, but it is […]

The Reason I Am Grateful Is

Did you know that it’s possible to practice being grateful? For some of us being thankful isn’t our natural response to life’s events.  Many years ago I started listing three things that I was grateful for at the end of each day.  In the beginning, […]