Satiety. (Suh-tie-uh-tee) You know the feeling of fullness that persists after eating? That’s satiety. It’s a complex process involving several factors, including the type and amount of food, along with the person’s individual metabolism. I don’t know about you, but oftentimes my cravings, the type […]
Tag: life lessons
Practicing the Pause
Last week I asked, “Who are you when you’re hungry?” This week there’s an acronym that keeps popping up in my mind. HALT. It stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. It serves as a reminder that these four common stressors are powerful enough to derail […]
The Secret Power of Small Beginnings
I arrived at the gym that morning fully armed with well-rehearsed excuses dressed up as reasons to quit. While others managed to lift twenty or thirty pounds, the weight of the five-pound dumbbell in my left hand was nearly unbearable. Sweat trickled down my back […]
Yes, He is!
My coach complimented my lift and gave me feedback regarding my improvement. I smiled and said, “it’s because I have a good coach!” “No one ever says that during a bad week.” He replied. Those nine words have been with me ever since. Is my coach […]
Can I Tell You a Story?
Can I tell you a story? One blessing of growing up in a small African American church is that I learned the importance of testimonies. After accepting Christ during Sunday school, I was taught that every Christian has a story to tell. Psalm 107:2a says, […]
Keeping Our Eyes On Jesus
“keeping our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.” Hebrews 12:2 CSB “I can’t find my glasses!” “Here, honey, use mine.” My husband and I used to have the same prescription for our eyeglasses. Over the years, subtle differences began to occur, […]
3 Characteristics Of Palm Trees
Since the passing of our dog a few weeks back, I’ve ignored the coconuts in the yard. You see, coconuts were one of Koshka’s favorite toys. She chased them, bit them, and treasured them in her collection. But today, God placed one on the paving […]
Certificate of Participation
My powerlifting career began the moment I watched a woman at the gym bench pressing. Before that day, I had seen mostly men on that piece of equipment. Having grown up with four brothers, I wanted so badly to give it a try. Have you […]
Below Parallel
Depth is a word that causes an instant reaction for a powerlifter. I’ve competed on the National level here in Belize twice in my first year of powerlifting. Every meet begins with the squat. And hitting the required depth is not an easy feat, even […]
What Season is This, Lord?
What season is this, Lord? I’ve been reading through Proverbs in different versions of the Bible. Last week in Proverbs chapter 10, I found this verse in the Passion Translation. Know the importance of the season you’re in and a wise son you will be. […]