Piece by Deliberate Piece

One piece by deliberate piece, it will all come together. One hundred twenty-six days ago, I started walking 10,000 steps a day. I’ve prayed, cried, and sweated mile after mile, listening and longing for deep divine connection and better understanding. This transilient experience from Belize […]

Signs and Shadows

My coach issued a 10k-a-day step challenge to all of his athletes. I love to walk, especially outdoors. So my hand went up quickly to join in. Besides, I know from personal experience that walking and strength training are a great complement to one another. […]

Not Today

The sound of their laughter is like fingernails on a chalkboard.  “Ain’t nobody got time for this! Not today, satan.” Some days, I have to fight off rejection when left out of a conversation. When their heads touch as private jokes are whispered to one […]

The Hidden Corset

The secret to our waistline lies in our corset muscle, the transverse abdominis. This is the deepest layer of the abdominal muscles and the only one with muscle fibers that run side to side. This inner ab muscle creates a “cinching” effect. Strengthening this muscle […]

What Did Jesus Manifest?

Are there any Princess Bride fans here? If so, you know the word that Inigo is talking about, “Inconceivable!” That was my reaction after reading John 17 and seeing the word manifested. Since I’m that woman who loves reading the dictionary, I discovered ‘manifest’ doesn’t […]

Are You Strong Enough?

Spanish Lookout is a Mennonite community in Belize that resembles a typical small midwestern town in America. I’d stopped at five different locations, unsure what I was looking for, a dress for church, new shoes, or maybe a book? No, a word from God. I […]