What Did Jesus Manifest?

you keep using that wordAre there any Princess Bride fans here? If so, you know the word that Inigo is talking about, “Inconceivable!” That was my reaction after reading John 17 and seeing the word manifested. Since I’m that woman who loves reading the dictionary, I discovered ‘manifest’ doesn’t carry the meaning found in popular culture. When people tell me what they manifested, it’s about envisioning what you want and acting in alignment with the vision until you achieve the desired outcome.  But this is what the dictionary says about this verb,

Manifest: to show something clearly, through signs or actions.

In John 17:6a NKJV, we read:

I have manifested Your name to the men whom You have given Me out of the world.

What Did Jesus Manifest?

Jesus used His life, His precious brief time on this earth, to make God’s name known. The Son of God clearly manifested the name of God through signs, actions, and His words. He revealed God’s name to the people His Father gave Him to disciple.  The psalmist says, “All Your works shall praise You, O Lord, And Your saints shall bless You. They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom, And talk of Your power, To make known to the sons of men His mighty acts, And the glorious majesty of His kingdom.” God’s work praises Him. His people bless Him and speak of His glory and power. But Christ spoke God’s name with His entire being. 

It’s Not About Envisioning

It’s not about envisioning the desired outcome; it’s about revealing the desirable One. Popular culture encourages us to put out positive vibrations blended with hard work and good fortune to receive what we desire. Yet the psalmist says, “delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” This week I realized that the deep desires of my heart are not things. I desire connection, healthy thoughts, and wholeness. All of which are found in Him.

Who’s Name Are You Manifesting? 

As I worked out today, I kept asking myself this question. “Who’s name am I manifesting?” Along with “who do I point to with my life?” And “who has God given me to disciple?”  If I have to choose between the secular concept of manifesting and the sacred example of Christ, I’ll cling to the One with eternity in His grasp and place my heart’s desires in those mighty hands.

Let’s Reflect

What did Jesus manifest? And how can you imitate His example? Pour yourself a cup of your favorite hot drink, sit still, and ponder these questions in your heart.

Let’s Pray

God, Your name is healing, powerful, and wrapped in love. May we make the most of each opportunity to make Your name known at all times. May our lives speak clearly of who You are to those You’ve given us to serve. In Your name, Amen.

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