Are We There Yet?

My fitness watch is rude. Somedays, it interrupts as I take a break between sets to ask, “Finished your workout?” Today when it happened, it was like a child on a road trip asking, “Are we there yet?” The notification comes with three choices; END […]

What If I Fail?

“What if I fail?” I asked this question out loud for the first time. Most often I keep close watch over the thoughts in my head. I don’t want to acknowledge thoughts like this. But today? Today I verbalized it. The answer? “Then we’ll know […]

How Strong Is Your Core?

Dear friend, how strong is your core? Our core is our power center.  Core strength is crucial in every movement we make. It is foundational for building strength anywhere else. “A weak core is the number-one risk for potential injuries, especially lower-back injuries,”  Our core […]

Lessons Learned in the Gym

Saturday tore me down. I had expectations when I showed up at the gym. My thoughts spiraled out of control. I felt alone and invisible. As I was holding 110lbs over my chest, I told myself my presence there didn’t matter. The weight suddenly felt […]

You Are Perfect Just the Way You Are

We put our bodies through a lot, don’t we? Whether we run,  walk, lift weights, exercise, don’t exercise, eat, don’t eat, sleep, don’t sleep…our bodies feel it all. I’ve gone through several before and after periods of life. Before and after an eating disorder, before […]

Do You Trust Your Training?

“The bar is loaded for Alida Sharp, 260lbs.” I make one last adjustment to my belt as I advance toward the bar.  I’m staring down at a weight I’ve never lifted before. But, I trust my training.  I have confidence it will move, and it […]

Dare to Clap for Yourself

When was the last time you dared to clap for yourself? Or is that hard to do? So often we set goals or test a new habit, and get discouraged when no one else notices our progress. But, what about us acknowledging our personal progress? […]