Yes, He is!

My coach complimented my lift and gave me feedback regarding my improvement. I smiled and said, “it’s because I have a good coach!” “No one ever says that during a bad week.” He replied. Those nine words have been with me ever since. Is my coach still good when I feel stuck and far removed from the goals we’ve set? Yes, he is. Do I always let him know? Nope. I confess that I haven’t always called him good when I’m frustrated. 

Yes he is
Over the past two years, I’ve had ups and downs with my training. I’ve cried, I’ve misunderstood my coach’s feedback, and felt defeated. He’s human, but he’s been consistent. His training blocks are tailored to help improve my form, gain strength, and become a more competitive powerlifter. His lifting cues are embedded in my mind, and my lifts improve when I follow his guidelines. 

If my coach is still good when I’m having a bad week, what about God? Is God still good when life challenges us? If we get a health diagnosis that throws us for a loop, or tragedy happens to a family member, is God still good? When we feel like we can’t catch a break, is God truly good all the time?


Jesus Never Changes

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13‬:‭8‬ ‭CSB‬‬

He is always the same. His mercy will never run out and His love never fails. He goes before us, stays beside us, and wraps us in His presence. The Holy Spirit breathes in us and fills us with power, love, and soundness of mind. We may not understand the chaos we sometimes face in the midst of His goodness,
but our circumstances can’t alter God’s character. 

Yes, He Is!

Honestly, I’ve known deep grief and times when I could barely catch my breath before another tragedy struck. Those are the times when it’s the most difficult to raise a hallelujah. It’s easier to give praise when things are going well. But He is still worthy even when we’re frustrated, sad, and our hope is fading. It’s okay if you feel like you can’t sing praises today, tomorrow, or in the foreseeable future, God is good at understanding the condition of our hearts. He is loving and kind and patient with us. Yes, He is good. Thoroughly, absolutely, beyond a shadow of doubt, He is good. All the time. 

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