Now What?

Have you ever accomplished a goal and wondered, “Now what?” That’s me this week. On Friday I take my final exam. My degree will be complete. Forty years after graduating high school, I am graduating from university.  Now what?

What do we do when we don’t know what to do? Before overthinking crowds out this moment of peace, let’s pause. Pausing to breathe deep and exhale helps clear our heads.  If we jump from one project to the next, we miss out on celebrating.  Celebrating is vital to our pursuit of wellness. When we celebrate, we recognize milestones. Those milestone moments are anchors that ground us.

When the Wise Men saw the star above where Jesus was, they rejoiced with great joy.  How long has it been since you’ve rejoiced? This pandemic has stolen many of our celebratory moments. It’s time to reclaim our joy.

How do we reclaim our joy in the ‘now what’ season?

We can reclaim our joy by acknowledging an ending as a beginning.  When the Wise Men rejoiced with great joy, it was because they reached their destination.  Their journey to find Jesus ended, and their worship began.

We can reclaim our joy by listening to our bodies.  Maybe what we need is a nap. Resting after completing a difficult or long-term goal is restorative for our bodies and our souls.

We can reclaim our joy through praise and worship. Perhaps it’s time to crank up some music, dance like no one is watching, and have a praise party!

We can reclaim our joy in connection with others. Is there a friend, relative, or neighbor you want to spend time with or get to know better?  Practicing hospitality brings with it the joy of connection.

And finally, we can reclaim our joy through gratitude.  The practice of being grateful helps us to experience the abundant life that Christ came to bring us.

What to do in the ‘now what’ moments

If you’ve reached your goal weight, set a new personal record for weightlifting, or walked your first mile, and you’re wondering, “now what?” Take some time to pause, breathe, and celebrate.

If you’ve come through a challenging season of life and are wondering, “now what?” Seek God’s comfort to sustain you and restore your sense of joy.

Before taking on another challenge or before life deals another blow, take time in God’s presence, sit with Him, listen to Him, and find your strength in Him.  He will carry you through whatever season of life you find yourself in.

Let’s Reflect: If you’re in a ‘now what’ moment, pause, acknowledge where you’re at, and seek God’s guidance.

Let’s Pray: Father, we are grateful for the moments that make us stop and seek Your guidance. You are the One who can direct, comfort, and help us reclaim our joy.  We praise You, we worship You, and we thank You. In every season, through every milestone, You are there.



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