Have you ever accomplished a goal and wondered, “Now what?” That’s me this week. On Friday I take my final exam. My degree will be complete. Forty years after graduating high school, I am graduating from university. Now what? What do we do when we […]
Comparisonitis Leads to Envy
I am recovering from a horrific case of ‘comparisonitis.’ I’ve discovered it’s highly contagious. And that ‘comparisonitis’ leads to envy. Scrolling through Instagram, I marvel at the strength of a few women from the gym. Their videos make me question, “why aren’t I as strong […]
Harnessing the Power of Godly Habits
Two unmarked speed-bumps are on the road I’m traveling this morning. I know exactly where each bump lies and ease my car over the first one. I look for pedestrians, cars pulling out of the parking lot to my right, and slowly move through the […]
Are You Going Deep?
“You’re bending forward too far, and that makes you think you’re going deep. But, you’re not.” Kaylon’s words at the gym often hit me as life lessons. But today was different. Today, I distinctly feel the need to pay careful attention to this critique. Because […]
The Power of Daily Choices
She had a beautiful headpiece containing ten silver coins. Her husband gave it to her on their wedding day. Her daily choices, including wearing this garland, keep her focused and grounded. Each morning she put it on as a symbol of her husband’s love. It […]
Five Reasons for Contemplative Prayer Walking
As I lace up my walking shoes, there’s a shift taking shape in my heart. I release the day’s stress, embrace time with God, and listen to what He has in store for me. Deep within the trenches of grief and overwhelm, my habit of […]
I’ve Never Sweat Like Jesus
Sweat is dripping down my arms, gratitude floods my heart, and prayer is on my lips. I am carrying 35-pound weights in each hand as I make my way back up the stairs. I did it! This is Holy Week. Each day in the gym, […]
Where Does Your Mind Go?
“Where your mind goes, your life follows.” These words from Dr. Caroline Leaf are in her book, Think Learn Succeed. Where does your mind go? Is it producing the life you want to be living? I’m asking myself these questions. Dr. Leaf goes on to […]
What Can You Do With Sage?
Kale, sage, chives, mint, and oregano, made their debut in my yard this week. My husband has discovered Keto, but I have difficulty eating too much fat in one meal. As we work together in the kitchen to support one another, we’re learning what adjustments […]
We Need You to Fix It Jesus!
Imagine, dinner time, a house full of hungry people, and Martha’s to-do list is overwhelming. Mercy. “Fix it, Jesus!” We all see her fretting as her mind buzzes with the cultural expectations of women. This builds up to her being frustrated, maybe even embarrassed, by […]