You Are Perfect Just the Way You Are

We put our bodies through a lot, don’t we? Whether we run,  walk, lift weights, exercise, don’t exercise, eat, don’t eat, sleep, don’t sleep…our bodies feel it all. I’ve gone through several before and after periods of life. Before and after an eating disorder, before and after weight loss, before and after bodybuilding, before and after body dysmorphia.  I have not always felt comfortable in my body. Scripture helps.  His truth is vital to our well-being. I am reminding myself that God’s design is perfect. And like me, you are perfect just the way you are!

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit

who is in you, whom you have received from God? 1 Corinthians 6:19 NIV

 You are a temple of the Holy Spirit

Our bodies are a temple.  The first part of Psalms 139:14 is well known. We often hear about being fearfully and wonderfully made. And yet how often do we hear the second part of the verse?

Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

David knew that he was fearfully and wonderfully made because God’s works are wonderful! Ephesians 2:10 says we are God’s workmanship or in some translations…His masterpiece.

Masterpiece: a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship.

We are the evidence of God’s outstanding skill and artistry. We are perfect, just the way we are!

Don’t fall for the enemy’s lies!

The first time I watched this video, I immediately saw the cellulite on the backs of my legs. I fell for the lie that my body is flawed. I didn’t want to send this to my trainer because I was embarrassed.

Do you know what he saw? A successful squat. I made all the adjustments he’d suggested. He wrote me back excited that I hit depth! From his point of view, he saw the truth.  I had to look again to see the depth, strength, and focus.  To see a fearfully and wonderfully made masterpiece of God.

We have to look beyond the surface to see what God sees.  To see what He sees, we must ask Him to open our spiritual eyes.  Ask, observe, and receive the truth He reveals to you!

Let’s Reflect: Think about how you see yourself. Identify any lies about your body. Give them over to God in prayer.

Let’s Pray: God, we praise You because we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are marvelous. You only create masterpieces. And we are the evidence of Your artistry and skill. Help us to see what You see.  In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen

4 thoughts on “You Are Perfect Just the Way You Are

  1. Thank you so much for this. I’ll be 52 tomorrow and accepting my body as is has always been a struggle for me. Honestly, I’m tired of worrying about it.🙄😏 Holy Spirit, help me to relax my mind and spirit in this area.🙌🏾🙏🏾💙

  2. So good Alida! Yes, we have to see ourselves the way God sees us. It takes practice for sure. I loved the example you gave regarding what you saw in your video versus what your what your trainer saw.

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