21 Ways to Walk

There is a skill that most of us learn within the first 18 months of our lives. Walking. It’s a fairly simple action. We don’t really think about it, we just do it. We walk indoors, outdoors, on treadmills, in our living rooms. It’s one […]


How Are You Eating?

Slow. Deliberate. Mindful. Those three words describe my newfound eating practice.  I began my year, like so many others, with a fast. As I fast and pray, it’s about more than giving up food. This is the final semester of my Bachelor’s degree, and like […]

Feeling Our Feelings

The other day I experienced a shame attack.  Have you ever had one of those? I felt exposed. I didn’t want to be seen. “What is up with that?” I asked myself.  Tears came quickly as I wrote about the experience. I wondered if anyone […]

Pursuing Wellness

Have you ever considered the concept of wellness? The World Health Organization defines wellness as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.” Stop and think about the diseases or infirmities that have captured the headlines […]


Make Time for Joy

One of my earliest memories is of sitting on a freshly shoveled mountain of snow eating a Nestle’s chocolate bar. My father and two older brothers did the work while I played in the snow, followed by the reward of chocolate afterward. What’s your earliest […]

Protect Your Peace

“Protect your peace!” That thought keeps reverberating in my head.  I wonder if that’s even a thing in 2020? And yet, the voice is clear.  So, I get out of bed, put on workout clothes, lace up my shoes, and go for a walk. I […]

How to Savor the Journey

May I be honest with you? As I’m typing, all I see is my broken nail. I’m not upset over it. Just slightly annoyed by it. It feels like a symbol for this season of my life. It’s not what I planned, but it is […]

What’s in Your Smoothie?

Have you ever had a green smoothie? I didn’t think I would like them as much as I do!  For the past month I’ve had one everyday.  One of the benefits for me is that I don’t have to think about what to make for […]

Is it well with you?

“Dear friend, I hope all is well with you  and that you are as healthy in body  as you are strong in spirit.” 3 John 1:2 (NLT) Is all well with you, dear friend? I pray that you’re healthy in body and strong in spirit. […]