How to Savor the Journey

May I be honest with you? As I’m typing, all I see is my broken nail. I’m not upset over it. Just slightly annoyed by it. It feels like a symbol for this season of my life. It’s not what I planned, but it is what it is. 

Each year I choose a word to guide my focus and center my goals. This year’s word is SAVOR. What a word to focus on during a pandemic. To savor is to taste and enjoy completely. I don’t know about you, but I have to stop and make a concentrated effort to find moments worth savoring. 

I am counting down the days to the end of the month by practicing thankfulness. It serves as a means to stop and enjoy the present. I search for a lesson from the broken nail. I see a few avenues for reflection. I see that one small imperfection doesn’t mar the overall beauty of my hands. Much like one minor irritation doesn’t have to ruin a whole day. 

Life has its share of frustrations. Some, like this pandemic, are humungous enough to be shared with the world. Others are shared among family or friends, while other difficulties we face are personal. 

Our daily choices are the oil fueling our transformation on this journey of wellness. Imperfections are a part of the process. Wellness is a lifestyle. It’s living with an awareness of the quality of our habits. Our goal of wellness must be renewed each morning. 

It’s time for me to pray over the word for next year. It’s time to set goals in each dimension of personal wellness. Optimal wellness is unique to each one of us. We must seek balance for ourselves in the 9 spheres of healthy living. It’s up to each one of us to decide what we want to keep or change in the spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual, social, environmental, cultural, occupational, and financial aspects of our life. I’ve decided not to fret over my broken nail. I will keep my life simple by trimming the other nails to match its length. I take charge of what I have control over and let go of the remainder. I protect my peace and accept the conclusion that 2020 is what it is.  No matter what else comes my way, I will savor the journey.

Let’s Reflect: What are the broken nail moments in your life that have caused you frustration? How did you choose to handle it? Take some time to journal and think about what you want to protect and what you’re willing to accept in your current situation. 

Let’s Pray: God, we are thankful for the moments of frustration that lead us to let go of the trivial and savor the treasure. May we look to You each morning and make choices that honor You. Feed us with Your word. Guide us with Your hand. Wash us with Your Living Water. May we accept what is before us and protect the lessons You’ve provided along the way. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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