Be Still and Know!

Thirty minutes. That’s how long I had to lie motionless inside the MRI machine. Excruciating pain radiated from my shoulder, down my bicep, and into my hand. All I could do was breathe and pray. One deep cleansing breath caused the technician to pull me […]

What’s In a Name?

I can’t eat meat or dairy at this point in my life. They both cause discomfort and unpleasantness in my body. I’ve spent the last 11 years explaining over and over and over that avoiding gluten is about decreasing my fibromyalgia pain and not about […]

Are We There Yet?

My fitness watch is rude. Somedays, it interrupts as I take a break between sets to ask, “Finished your workout?” Today when it happened, it was like a child on a road trip asking, “Are we there yet?” The notification comes with three choices; END […]