Seeds, Meditations, and Prayers

Our thoughts are seeds, meditations, and prayers.  In Genesis 21:14-19, Hagar’s thoughts left her hopeless. But in Mark 5:25-29, the bleeding woman’s thoughts were hopeful.  As I ponder these two women and the situations they faced, I grow more and more curious.  How do we […]

Where Does Your Mind Go?

“Where your mind goes, your life follows.” These words from Dr. Caroline Leaf are in her book, Think Learn Succeed.  Where does your mind go? Is it producing the life you want to be living? I’m asking myself these questions. Dr. Leaf goes on to […]

We Need You to Fix It Jesus!

Imagine, dinner time, a house full of hungry people, and Martha’s to-do list is overwhelming.  Mercy.  “Fix it, Jesus!” We all see her fretting as her mind buzzes with the cultural expectations of women.  This builds up to her being frustrated, maybe even embarrassed, by […]

I Don’t Wanna

I am sitting across from a young family at the airport. The only thing I have heard their child say for the past hour is, “I DON’T WANNA!” My eyes hone in on the mother. She looks weary as she speaks to her child one […]

5 Gifts of Clarity

I’m sure you have a favorite drink to savor in the winter, you know what I mean right? A warm soothing cup of morning bliss.  I’m craving ginger and lime tea, not the kind that comes in a store-bought package. I need slices of ginger […]

21 Ways to Walk

There is a skill that most of us learn within the first 18 months of our lives. Walking. It’s a fairly simple action. We don’t really think about it, we just do it. We walk indoors, outdoors, on treadmills, in our living rooms. It’s one […]


How Are You Eating?

Slow. Deliberate. Mindful. Those three words describe my newfound eating practice.  I began my year, like so many others, with a fast. As I fast and pray, it’s about more than giving up food. This is the final semester of my Bachelor’s degree, and like […]

Feeling Our Feelings

The other day I experienced a shame attack.  Have you ever had one of those? I felt exposed. I didn’t want to be seen. “What is up with that?” I asked myself.  Tears came quickly as I wrote about the experience. I wondered if anyone […]

Pursuing Wellness

Have you ever considered the concept of wellness? The World Health Organization defines wellness as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.” Stop and think about the diseases or infirmities that have captured the headlines […]


Make Time for Joy

One of my earliest memories is of sitting on a freshly shoveled mountain of snow eating a Nestle’s chocolate bar. My father and two older brothers did the work while I played in the snow, followed by the reward of chocolate afterward. What’s your earliest […]