How Much Does it Cost to be Me?

Staying true to our core values can be difficult for some of us.  Think about it.  Are there parts of yourself you hide or change to suit others? In this age of social media, the struggle to find our authentic voice is real. When we’re working out, beginning a new habit, or posting on Facebook, are we genuine?  After I counted ten different people dancing in videos on Instagram, I wondered, “should I do that too?” But that’s not me. There is a price for going against the grain.  It could cost us popularity. So it is wise for us to consider the question, “How much does it cost to be me?”

Counting the Cost

Proverbs 4: 7 tells us, “The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.”  Understanding who we are in Christ is valuable to staying true to our values. Choosing to live with godly habits is costly. We have to make sacrifices with our words, our time, our connections.  It takes work to uproot toxic thoughts and live in the truth of God’s word.

Being yourself is a process that develops over the course of a lifetime. At 58 years old, I can say that I am not who I was at 18.  Like many women my age, I’ve paid the price to get that understanding. Let’s look at some of the costs of being ourselves:

  1. We might be misunderstood.
  2. Others might judge our choices.
  3. We might miss out on something.
  4. It might cost relationships.
  5. We might feel lonely at times.

Weighing the Benefits

  1. We finally understand ourselves.
  2. Our choices are truly ours.
  3. We participate in events that are meaningful to us.
  4. Our connections with loved ones deepen.
  5. We feel at peace with who we are.

It’s important at each age and stage of life to assess where we are, who we are, and who we are becoming. As long as we have breath, there is time to change course.  Each of us is God’s masterpiece. We are custom designed by the Creator and Sustainer of all life.  Christ sacrificed His life to redeem us. He died to bring us into a right relationship with God, our Father.  It’s time to act, think, and talk in a manner that reflects our original design. Count the costs, weigh the benefits, and live your life with the understanding of how much it costs to be you!

Let’s Reflect: 

What are the costs associated with being who God designed you to be? Are you willing to pay that price?  In what ways have you experienced the benefits of being you?

Let’s Pray:

Father, Your design is incredible. Your love of detail is amazing. We are grateful for how You’ve created us. Help us to walk in the truth of who we are. Guide us, fill us, work through us. Teach us to live a life that honors Your creation. May the way we live our lives bring You glory. In Jesus Name. Amen.

4 thoughts on “How Much Does it Cost to be Me?

  1. Amen and Amen. Lots of great nuggets in this post.
    “It’s important at each age and stage of life to assess where we are, who we are, and who we are becoming.” This is so important for all of us. We have to be true to our original design.

      1. “Being yourself is a process that develops over the course of a lifetime.” I hear this! I feel like I’m finding out so much about myself in this new generation I’ve entered. Its good, bad and ugly, yet incredible indeed. In every stage I must look to Him for the truth of who I am and how He sees me.

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