The Process of Change

Change comes in stages for most of us. I remember knowing something had to change but not feeling quite ready.   My fear of failing, counting the what-ifs and overthinking caused me to hold back.  In pursuit of wellness and honoring our bodies as temples of […]

Find Joy In Every Season

I have my alarm set for 4 am, my eyeglasses broke, and I’m staring at a blank screen. As I go to cry on my husband’s shoulder, he reminds me that I’m doing all the things I love.  “You’re taking it all too seriously, and […]

Lessons Learned in the Gym

Saturday tore me down. I had expectations when I showed up at the gym. My thoughts spiraled out of control. I felt alone and invisible. As I was holding 110lbs over my chest, I told myself my presence there didn’t matter. The weight suddenly felt […]

Let Him Fight For Us

 While I cannot recall the context of our conversation, I remember her passion.  She grew animated as she shared with me her study of 2 Chronicles 20.  There in the middle of the grocery store, she gave a testimony.  I admired her passion, boldness, and […]

Follow the Rules of the Road

“But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:14 NIV We have some minor construction going on in front of our house. We’re replacing our culvert. This required our driveway to be removed, […]

Is Your Peace Protected?

 The juice of one lime, two teaspoons of honey, and hot water in an oversized coffee mug. Sip after sip comforts the spirit and warms the heart.  A torrent of rain pounds the roof drowning out the sound of America’s Got Talent.  Popcorn made the […]

What’s So Important About Choices?

A freak accident took over our 4th of July celebration.  Netflix is cued up, popcorn is on the stove, and hot chocolate is next on my agenda. I open the cabinet door, and before I can react, a ceramic Christmas plate from the top shelf […]

Do You Trust Your Training?

“The bar is loaded for Alida Sharp, 260lbs.” I make one last adjustment to my belt as I advance toward the bar.  I’m staring down at a weight I’ve never lifted before. But, I trust my training.  I have confidence it will move, and it […]