Seeds, Meditations, and Prayers

Our thoughts are seeds, meditations, and prayers.  In Genesis 21:14-19, Hagar’s thoughts left her hopeless. But in Mark 5:25-29, the bleeding woman’s thoughts were hopeful.  As I ponder these two women and the situations they faced, I grow more and more curious.  How do we […]

Comparisonitis Leads to Envy

I am recovering from a horrific case of ‘comparisonitis.’ I’ve discovered it’s highly contagious.  And that ‘comparisonitis’ leads to envy. Scrolling through Instagram, I marvel at the strength of a few women from the gym. Their videos make me question, “why aren’t I as strong […]

21 Ways to Walk

There is a skill that most of us learn within the first 18 months of our lives. Walking. It’s a fairly simple action. We don’t really think about it, we just do it. We walk indoors, outdoors, on treadmills, in our living rooms. It’s one […]

What’s Your One Word?

Have you ever had a word get stuck in your head?  Back in September, I saw a sign that said, “It’s time to OVERSEED.”  Overseed? I searched Google for understanding. Apparently, this term is related to lawn care.  My research uncovered several reasons to overseed: […]

Protect Your Peace

“Protect your peace!” That thought keeps reverberating in my head.  I wonder if that’s even a thing in 2020? And yet, the voice is clear.  So, I get out of bed, put on workout clothes, lace up my shoes, and go for a walk. I […]

5 Ways to be More Observant

“You’re not very observant.” my husband matter-of-factly declared. At first, it hurt my feelings. Then I began to notice details I hadn’t seen before. How long have I lived with unfocused eyes? My overwhelmed, just-get-it-done, to-do list following lifestyle damaged my view of the world […]

How to Savor the Journey

May I be honest with you? As I’m typing, all I see is my broken nail. I’m not upset over it. Just slightly annoyed by it. It feels like a symbol for this season of my life. It’s not what I planned, but it is […]