Come and See

He said to them, “Come and see.” They came and saw where He was staying, and remained with Him that day (now it was about the tenth hour). John 1:39 NKJV I love the sense of wonder and excitement embodied within the come and see […]

What’s in Your Smoothie?

Have you ever had a green smoothie? I didn’t think I would like them as much as I do!  For the past month I’ve had one everyday.  One of the benefits for me is that I don’t have to think about what to make for […]

Stop Breathe Pray Give Thanks

Can I be honest? At my age trying to do anything that involves balance tends to frustrate me. I have such a strong desire to be perfect. The first time Kaylon, my trainer in Belize, gave me this exercise to do I said, “You have […]

3 R’s of Forming a Habit

Reminder. Routine. Reward. I’m discovering that each habit begins with some type of cue that leads to performing an action that results in a desired benefit. For example my morning alarm sounds and I reach for my phone to turn it off. I check for […]


How to Spice Up Baked Chicken

How much chicken do you eat in a week? If you’re like me it’s a daily affair when you’re working toward building muscle. It’s hard to get enough protein from anything other than chicken breast. One of my favorite ways to make plain baked chicken […]

Hands and Knees

“Strengthen the weak hands, and steady the shaking knees.” (Isaiah 35:3 CSB) What do our knees and hands reveal about the attitude of our hearts? Fifteen years ago at the Basilica of the Holy Stairs in Rome, I joined a crowd of believers climbing 28 […]