The Power of Daily Choices

She had a beautiful headpiece containing ten silver coins. Her husband gave it to her on their wedding day.  Her daily choices, including wearing this garland, keep her focused and grounded. Each morning she put it on as a symbol of her husband’s love. It also gave her a sense of financial security as each silver coin represents a day’s wages.  As she dressed that morning, she notices right away that something is wrong. One of her precious coins is missing! Where could it be? She lit a nearby lamp, got her broom, and swept the entire house. Afterward, she carefully searched every nook and cranny until she found the missing coin. Can you imagine how excited she was when she found it?!

This story is known as the Parable of the Lost Coin.  The notes in my Women’s Study Bible revealed the significance of the ten coins.  These coins may have been her dowry. Or perhaps a gift from her husband. Losing something so valuable would be devastating. She may have felt foolish or irresponsible when she discovered one was lost.

In Luke 15:8, the woman did three things when she noticed the coin was missing:

  1. turned on the light
  2. cleaned the floor
  3. and didn’t give up until she was successful

How We Live Matters

Her wise choices and tenacity in searching remind me that how we live our lives matters.  Our priorities are revealed in our choices.  I’m married to my high school sweetheart, and many years ago, he gave me an opal promise ring. The opal stone fell out of the ring, and I became frantic. I walked three miles, pushing my toddler in a stroller, keeping my eyes peeled to the sidewalk until I found it.  My priority was finding that stone. I saw no other choice but to retrace my steps to get it back.

Considering Daily Choices

As I consider this parable, I think of the daily choices I make.  Let’s look at the three choices made by this woman in the parable. First, just as she did, we need to turn on the Light. His light reveals the dark areas of our lives that we cannot see on our own. Secondly, we need to sweep our “house”. Our bodies are His temple, and we must be fit for Him. And finally, her diligence brought forth her success.  To give up living for Him is not an option.

Our commitment to making wise daily choices leads to our transformation. Harnessing the power of godly habits begins with our daily choices.  Take some time today to consider where your choices are taking you!

Let’s Reflect:  Ask yourself, “What do my habits and choices say about my priorities?” Take some time to journal and pray over the choices you’ve made this week.

Let’s Pray: Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us the power to make choices. We are grateful that You chose to redeem us and bring us into a relationship with You.  God, the Parable of the Lost Coin, teaches us that heaven rejoices over one person coming back to You.  As we consider this, may our daily choices honor You and bring rejoicing to Your name! In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


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