Not yet. I discovered those two words as part of the definition of barren. I always thought the word ‘barren’ referred to someone incapable of having children. But as I continue to study Elizabeth’s life, I don’t see a woman who can’t conceive. I see […]
Three Steps To Flying
As he rides from grass to pavement, I hear, “I have to believe I can fly!” When he circles his front yard, his declaration changes to, “I can fly right off my bike!” Then within a matter of seconds, at top speed, he pops a […]
Pray. Sweat. Eat Date Butter. Repeat.
Pray. Sweat. Eat Date Butter. Repeat. This is the first post of 2023 that I can label, Eat. I confess that I’ve had dates on the brain all day. Whenever I hold a date between my thumb and forefinger, I press down lightly and watch […]
Three Steps To Handling Small Frustrations
My computer died tonight. I’m devastated, and I feel lost. I’m not always good at handling small frustrations. Because I’m such a creature of habit, my routine is significant to me. I started writing in this space in July of 2020. Since that date, every […]
Can I Tell You a Story?
Can I tell you a story? One blessing of growing up in a small African American church is that I learned the importance of testimonies. After accepting Christ during Sunday school, I was taught that every Christian has a story to tell. Psalm 107:2a says, […]
We Deserve a Treat
Today my Target list was two items: a tripod and a cord for my tablet. I came home with headphones, a vegan cookbook, and a bag of gluten-free pretzels. I got distracted by all the new things I discovered and forgot about my list. As […]
Did They Know?
A Canaanite, a prostitute, a Moabite, and a wronged wife. These four women, Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba, are listed in Matthew’s account of the lineage of Christ. This week I’ve been contemplating the advent story, and I wonder what did they know about their […]
React or respond?
I confess that I often react when I should respond. Especially when I feel someone is being critical. But this morning, as I was about to lift a heavy weight, a woman said, “Don’t think about it; just do it.” I wanted to explain the […]
Unexpected Favor
Elizabeth. I underline her name nine times in 7 different verses. In this second week of Advent, my attention turns to Elizabeth. Her story is tucked neatly inside the experiences of her husband, Zechariah, and her relative, Mary. Elizabeth’s testimony speaks of unexpected favor and […]
Fasting for Advent
Advent is a sacred holiday season, and this first week of Advent is about Hope. As a personal trainer, I hear about Hope as my clients express their goals. The women I work with face various challenges while seeking to improve their overall well-being. This […]