What’s Your One Word?

Have you ever had a word get stuck in your head?  Back in September, I saw a sign that said, “It’s time to OVERSEED.”  Overseed? I searched Google for understanding. Apparently, this term is related to lawn care.  My research uncovered several reasons to overseed: […]

Protect Your Peace

“Protect your peace!” That thought keeps reverberating in my head.  I wonder if that’s even a thing in 2020? And yet, the voice is clear.  So, I get out of bed, put on workout clothes, lace up my shoes, and go for a walk. I […]

What’s In Your House?

Elisha asked her, “what can I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?”  She said, “Your servant has nothing in the house except a jar of oil.”  2 Kings 4:2 CSB    Tell me, dear friend, what do you have […]