True Strength is a Mindset

I wholeheartedly believe that a woman’s true strength is a mindset. I’ve been studying Jael lately. Her short story is found in chapter four of Judges. At first glance, Jael’s tale is one of remarkable physical strength. Yet, it goes much deeper than that.  Her […]

Dare to Clap for Yourself

When was the last time you dared to clap for yourself? Or is that hard to do? So often we set goals or test a new habit, and get discouraged when no one else notices our progress. But, what about us acknowledging our personal progress? […]

Seeds, Meditations, and Prayers

Our thoughts are seeds, meditations, and prayers.  In Genesis 21:14-19, Hagar’s thoughts left her hopeless. But in Mark 5:25-29, the bleeding woman’s thoughts were hopeful.  As I ponder these two women and the situations they faced, I grow more and more curious.  How do we […]

Now What?

Have you ever accomplished a goal and wondered, “Now what?” That’s me this week. On Friday I take my final exam. My degree will be complete. Forty years after graduating high school, I am graduating from university.  Now what? What do we do when we […]

Comparisonitis Leads to Envy

I am recovering from a horrific case of ‘comparisonitis.’ I’ve discovered it’s highly contagious.  And that ‘comparisonitis’ leads to envy. Scrolling through Instagram, I marvel at the strength of a few women from the gym. Their videos make me question, “why aren’t I as strong […]

Are You Going Deep?

“You’re bending forward too far, and that makes you think you’re going deep. But, you’re not.” Kaylon’s words at the gym often hit me as life lessons. But today was different. Today, I distinctly feel the need to pay careful attention to this critique.  Because […]