Skull Crushers

The skull serves two purposes: protecting the brain and supporting the face. When my trainer gave me a workout that included an exercise known as ‘skull crushers,’ I was a bit concerned. If he’d referred to them as supine tricep extensions, there would not have […]

Are You Strong Enough?

Spanish Lookout is a Mennonite community in Belize that resembles a typical small midwestern town in America. I’d stopped at five different locations, unsure what I was looking for, a dress for church, new shoes, or maybe a book? No, a word from God. I […]

True Strength is a Mindset

I wholeheartedly believe that a woman’s true strength is a mindset. I’ve been studying Jael lately. Her short story is found in chapter four of Judges. At first glance, Jael’s tale is one of remarkable physical strength. Yet, it goes much deeper than that.  Her […]