Skull Crushers

The skull serves two purposes: protecting the brain and supporting the face. When my trainer gave me a workout that included an exercise known as ‘skull crushers,’ I was a bit concerned. If he’d referred to them as supine tricep extensions, there would not have […]

A Place For You

“You need this.”  The look on his face, the tone of his voice, and those three words inspired me to finish strong. There are three events in a Powerlifting meet: squat, bench press, and deadlift. After the bench press, I learned I was in third […]

Are You Strong Enough?

Spanish Lookout is a Mennonite community in Belize that resembles a typical small midwestern town in America. I’d stopped at five different locations, unsure what I was looking for, a dress for church, new shoes, or maybe a book? No, a word from God. I […]

God’s Word Is…

God’s Word is ________. How did your mind fill in the blank? God’s Word is true? Reliable? A fairy tale? Our answer impacts our faith. In the early stages of our missionary work in Russia, I saw the miraculous hand of God in each challenge. […]