“You need this.” The look on his face, the tone of his voice, and those three words inspired me to finish strong. There are three events in a Powerlifting meet: squat, bench press, and deadlift. After the bench press, I learned I was in third […]
Are You Strong Enough?
Spanish Lookout is a Mennonite community in Belize that resembles a typical small midwestern town in America. I’d stopped at five different locations, unsure what I was looking for, a dress for church, new shoes, or maybe a book? No, a word from God. I […]
Stay Here, Be Quiet, And Wait On Me
Have I talked about when God spoke to me in my Big Mama’s voice? Several years ago, I crawled out of bed, put on make-up, and a lovely dress to attend a women’s event. After worship, there was a call to come forward for prayer. […]
God’s Word Is…
God’s Word is ________. How did your mind fill in the blank? God’s Word is true? Reliable? A fairy tale? Our answer impacts our faith. In the early stages of our missionary work in Russia, I saw the miraculous hand of God in each challenge. […]
Chosen, Royal, Holy, Peculiar
Chosen. Royal. Holy. Peculiar. What do these four words have in common? Each term describes us as believers. We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation. And we are a peculiar people. As I read 1 Peter 2:9 in various translations, […]
Ice, Ice, Baby!
I came home with two bags of ice, a stupid ’90s song stuck in my head, and a dread-filled heart. I read about the benefits of ice baths and reluctantly decided to give it a try. That night I conquered my fear of bathing in […]
Diet Secrets
She leaned in close, whispering, “Give me your diet secrets.” Stunned for a moment, I smile before answering. In my quiet time, I’d read the words of Jesus, “my food is to do the will of Him who sent me.” I wonder how well that […]
What Makes You Laugh?
There is paint on the dog’s head, a tarantula fell on my pillow, and at 9 pm, it’s 80 degrees outside. Just another day in paradise! What makes you laugh? Each item on my list is enough to derail my focus, but this humorous combination […]
Are We There Yet?
My fitness watch is rude. Somedays, it interrupts as I take a break between sets to ask, “Finished your workout?” Today when it happened, it was like a child on a road trip asking, “Are we there yet?” The notification comes with three choices; END […]
True Strength Has No Gender
Strength. Relative strength. Absolute strength. Godly strength. How do we determine what strength is and who has it? What does it mean to be strong for your age or strong for a woman? Strong in Christ is strong. There’s no male or female Christian strength. […]