Are there any Princess Bride fans here? If so, you know the word that Inigo is talking about, “Inconceivable!” That was my reaction after reading John 17 and seeing the word manifested. Since I’m that woman who loves reading the dictionary, I discovered ‘manifest’ doesn’t […]
Below Parallel
Depth is a word that causes an instant reaction for a powerlifter. I’ve competed on the National level here in Belize twice in my first year of powerlifting. Every meet begins with the squat. And hitting the required depth is not an easy feat, even […]
You’re Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea
One green tea bag, a cinnamon stick, milk, and honey to taste. I take a deep breath and stare at the teapot I’d just filled. Since I have to be back at work in 45 minutes, I set the timer on my watch for 30 […]
“You. Know. Better. Than. That.”
There was time to run to the corner store in the small gap between Sunday School and the church service. We purchased two bags of barbecue-flavored potato chips and a roll of Peppermint Lifesavers and tucked them inside Auntie Lisa’s purse. My mother’s youngest sister […]
Where Could I Go But to the Lord?
“Where could I go? Where could I go? Seeking a refuge for my soul. Needing a friend to help me in the end. Where could I go but to the Lord?” This precious memory comes to life with the close of my eyes. As a […]
Stop Thinking the Problem is the Problem
Sometimes the problem isn’t the problem. I’ve been struggling with tightness above the front of my knees. I tried elevating my legs, Bengay, heat, ice, rest, and so on. Most things only gave me temporary relief. Then I read an article that quadriceps stretches are […]
Skull Crushers
The skull serves two purposes: protecting the brain and supporting the face. When my trainer gave me a workout that included an exercise known as ‘skull crushers,’ I was a bit concerned. If he’d referred to them as supine tricep extensions, there would not have […]
Calloused Hands, Not Calloused Hearts
I left the soft-hand life behind last year. On deadlift days, chalk mixes with sweat filling the ridges of my hardened callouses. Pulling 280lbs off the floor requires hands that can handle the pressure. Hands harden in response to training. Callouses help protect our hands […]
Abba, Father.
I hand my passport to the agent, who kindly asks me to lower my mask as he examines my documents. “Welcome, Mama!” the warmth of his greeting takes me by surprise.
Her Arms Are Strong for Her Tasks
Strong arms. That was my first fitness goal. I wish I could pass it off as a godly endeavor. But, it was pure vanity. I was 50 years old, leading worship at my church, and I did not want my arms to jiggle when I […]