“We’ve already conquered that hurdle, and we’re not going back over it again.” He looked me in the eyes as he reassured me that I was making progress. He’s watched me struggle with insecurity about my lifts. Is there a battle raging in your head […]
Category: Repeat
Context Is Crucial
What do you do to delight yourself? It’s almost 8 pm, and I am stuffing my face with my favorite snack, popcorn. Most nights, I offer to share with my husband. But not tonight. Tonight I take pleasure in every crunch. True delight takes its […]
The Process of Change
Change comes in stages for most of us. I remember knowing something had to change but not feeling quite ready. My fear of failing, counting the what-ifs and overthinking caused me to hold back. In pursuit of wellness and honoring our bodies as temples of […]
Follow the Rules of the Road
“But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:14 NIV We have some minor construction going on in front of our house. We’re replacing our culvert. This required our driveway to be removed, […]
Is Your Peace Protected?
The juice of one lime, two teaspoons of honey, and hot water in an oversized coffee mug. Sip after sip comforts the spirit and warms the heart. A torrent of rain pounds the roof drowning out the sound of America’s Got Talent. Popcorn made the […]
What’s So Important About Choices?
A freak accident took over our 4th of July celebration. Netflix is cued up, popcorn is on the stove, and hot chocolate is next on my agenda. I open the cabinet door, and before I can react, a ceramic Christmas plate from the top shelf […]
25 Things I Can Control
My dog killed a squirrel this morning. Nothing is safe if it gets within her reach. Birds, lizards, and now a squirrel. I have no control over her actions. She barks too loud, she likes to play even when we’re tired, and she’s a hunter. […]
How Much Does it Cost to be Me?
Staying true to our core values can be difficult for some of us. Think about it. Are there parts of yourself you hide or change to suit others? In this age of social media, the struggle to find our authentic voice is real. When we’re […]
Seeds, Meditations, and Prayers
Our thoughts are seeds, meditations, and prayers. In Genesis 21:14-19, Hagar’s thoughts left her hopeless. But in Mark 5:25-29, the bleeding woman’s thoughts were hopeful. As I ponder these two women and the situations they faced, I grow more and more curious. How do we […]
Now What?
Have you ever accomplished a goal and wondered, “Now what?” That’s me this week. On Friday I take my final exam. My degree will be complete. Forty years after graduating high school, I am graduating from university. Now what? What do we do when we […]