Psalm 20 A Prayer For Us All

After a week of heavy-heartedness, I have a sense that we need something—a prayer for us all.  Many times when I am at a loss for words, I pray using scripture. Have you ever tried that? Using God’s words is a powerful way to pray. […]

Comparisonitis Leads to Envy

I am recovering from a horrific case of ‘comparisonitis.’ I’ve discovered it’s highly contagious.  And that ‘comparisonitis’ leads to envy. Scrolling through Instagram, I marvel at the strength of a few women from the gym. Their videos make me question, “why aren’t I as strong […]

Are You Going Deep?

“You’re bending forward too far, and that makes you think you’re going deep. But, you’re not.” Kaylon’s words at the gym often hit me as life lessons. But today was different. Today, I distinctly feel the need to pay careful attention to this critique.  Because […]

Where Does Your Mind Go?

“Where your mind goes, your life follows.” These words from Dr. Caroline Leaf are in her book, Think Learn Succeed.  Where does your mind go? Is it producing the life you want to be living? I’m asking myself these questions. Dr. Leaf goes on to […]

I Don’t Wanna

I am sitting across from a young family at the airport. The only thing I have heard their child say for the past hour is, “I DON’T WANNA!” My eyes hone in on the mother. She looks weary as she speaks to her child one […]

What’s Your One Word?

Have you ever had a word get stuck in your head?  Back in September, I saw a sign that said, “It’s time to OVERSEED.”  Overseed? I searched Google for understanding. Apparently, this term is related to lawn care.  My research uncovered several reasons to overseed: […]

Protect Your Peace

“Protect your peace!” That thought keeps reverberating in my head.  I wonder if that’s even a thing in 2020? And yet, the voice is clear.  So, I get out of bed, put on workout clothes, lace up my shoes, and go for a walk. I […]

What’s In Your House?

Elisha asked her, “what can I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?”  She said, “Your servant has nothing in the house except a jar of oil.”  2 Kings 4:2 CSB    Tell me, dear friend, what do you have […]

Come and See

He said to them, “Come and see.” They came and saw where He was staying, and remained with Him that day (now it was about the tenth hour). John 1:39 NKJV I love the sense of wonder and excitement embodied within the come and see […]