I’m So Sorry

What is your response when you reach the end of a row at the grocery store and see someone coming? Maybe Walmart is not the best place to conduct sociological experiments. But the other day, while shopping, I noticed all the women coming around the corner to enter the aisle apologized. It was either a “I’m so sorry” or a “Sorry.” Without fail, if it was a woman, she made one of these two statements. If it was a man, which only happened twice, one said, “After you,” and the other just nodded and kept going. When did women start apologizing for taking up space in public places?

Soon afterward, Jesus began a ministry tour throughout the country, visiting cities and villages to announce the wonderful news of God’s kingdom. His twelve disciples traveled with him as did a number of women who had been healed of many illnesses and set free from demonic power. One of the women was Mary who was from the village of Magdala, from whom Jesus had cast out seven demons. Among the women were Susanna and Joanna, the wife of Chusa, who managed King Herod’s household. Many other women who supported Jesus’ ministry from their own personal finances also traveled with him. ‭‭Luke‬ ‭8‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Take Up Space

When I imagine what it would have been like to be a part of Jesus’ travels, supporting Him, learning from Him, perhaps even praying with Him it overwhelms me.  Jesus touched, healed, and looked at those in need with compassion. He gave time and attention to everyone who came to Him. He came from heaven to earth to show everyone the way to the Father. And now, because of His sacrifice of love, we are all worthy of taking up space.

It Only Takes One


It only takes one person to break the pattern. I saw her her crown of silver and felt the warmth of her smile as she came around the corner. She made eye contact, nodded, and went on shopping. She was a model of grace, strength, and a strong sense of self. She owned the space she was in, and it was inspiring. As followers of Christ may we exude His attributes of grace, strength, and love. And may we remember who we are in Him. In a time where there is so much tension, let’s be willing to take up space and model Christ in all our interactions. After all, it only takes one to break the pattern!

*For those of you who prayer walk, ask God to show you where you’re shrinking back and ask Him to show you how to walk in the fullness of your identity in Him.

One thought on “I’m So Sorry

  1. I was searching in the You Version Bible App for a new 3 day devotional specific to women and I did not find anything that immediately spoke to me. I was however so rewarded when I went to check my email and read your devotional here and it spoke volumes to me. Oh to be that women to show His grace, strength and love!

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