My powerlifting career began the moment I watched a woman at the gym bench pressing. Before that day, I had seen mostly men on that piece of equipment. Having grown up with four brothers, I wanted so badly to give it a try.
Have you ever wanted to participate in an activity that seemed to be out of reach? I think of that when I read verses like this one:
“I pray that your participation in the faith may become effective through knowing every good thing that is in us for the glory of Christ.”
Philemon 1:6 CSB
Participant in the Faith
Aren’t we participants in the faith, just like those the Apostle Paul wrote his letters to?
When we read God’s Word, fellowship with other believers, and seek to honor Him with our lives, we are participating. Our individual faith joins with the collective faith as we learn of the good things planted in us.
The love of his brothers and sisters in the faith energized Paul. He took joy and encouragement from knowing Philemon refreshed other people’s hearts.

Make Participation Effective
How can we as coheirs of the Kingdom of God, along with Christ, make our participation in the faith effective?
1. By living according to what we learn in His word.
2. By drawing on those lessons to support others.
3. By sharing our testimony of God’s faithfulness as an encouragement to others.
Us learning the Word of God deepens our faith. When we live it, serve from it, and share it with one another, everyone on the team grows.
A Blessing for Today
May we discover the joy of participation in the faith. May God bless our time in the Word, may we enjoy fellowship with one another and may He strengthen us to serve Him. And may we rejoice as one when our names are found side by side in Lamb’s book of Life!