One piece by deliberate piece, it will all come together. One hundred twenty-six days ago, I started walking 10,000 steps a day. I’ve prayed, cried, and sweated mile after mile, listening and longing for deep divine connection and better understanding. This transilient experience from Belize […]
Tag: spiritual life
What Zone is Your Heart In?
Have you ever wondered what zone your heart is in? Today my fitness watch did a new thing. It showed on screen when my heart rate switched from one zone to the next. My workout for the day was all core so I didn’t see […]
Turn Your Wishes Into Prayers
I wish. It’s a simple statement. I wish I had more time, I wish I could be there for you, or I wish we could all get along. Wishing is a normal part of human life. During my walk on Sunday afternoon, I saw dandelions […]
Is He Lord of Our Decisions
“Is He Lord of our decisions?” During my time in Kansas back in 2020, I had several opportunities to chat with my brother, the Coach. One thing we discussed was calming yourself down before making a decision. He advises his athletes to do this during […]
When Not If
What a difference a word makes. The word ‘if,’ in my mind, is about probability. But the word ‘when’ means it’s just a matter of time. Some things are inevitable and we must be prepared for them. Hurricane season comes every year. It’s ‘when’ not […]
The Secret of Being Content
How did you celebrate the holiday on Monday? My husband and I went to see the movie Mean Girls. It’s about the trials and traumas teens face dealing with the social aspect of high school. Although I have fond memories of those years, my husband […]
We Love Because
Six weeks ago, we left Belize with two suitcases, two backpacks, and two grieving hearts. A parent’s death changes everything. It changes how we view life, how we value relationships, and how we relate to God. For 18 years we’ve served as missionaries. Five years […]
Make Room in Your Heart
By now we’ve made room in our homes for gifts, family, and friends. An old Christmas carol says, “Let every heart prepare Him room.” I’m grateful for Mary’s example. Her story teaches the importance of making room in your heart. Mary opened space in her […]
Three Women, One Umbrella
She was compassionate yet strong, a protector, like Christ. I drove around the corner after chatting with my BFF, and there they were. Three women, one umbrella. I don’t know them, so I’m not sure of their relationship to one another. Were they long-time friends, […]
What’s Your Favorite Comfort Food?
What’s your favorite comfort food? According to the Collins Dictionary, “If you call something comfort food, you mean it is enjoyable to eat and makes you feel happier, although it may not be very good for your health.” I’ve eaten my share of comfort food […]