Gossip Di Run Long Time

“Gossip di run long time.” In English, we might say, “Gossip has been around for a long time.” Whenever our pastor slips into Belizean Kriol, I know the message will hit home. He was preaching from the  22nd chapter of Joshua. In verses 11-12 we […]

Prison or a Passport?

“Your perspective is either a prison or a passport.” I pondered these words throughout my workout this morning. Somedays we interrupt the music at the gym with a motivational recording. Today was one of those days. As I prepare for my next competition, the quality […]

Oops, I Did It Again!

My deadlift shoes and those I wore to the gym that morning are on the floor before me. Looking down at my feet, embarrassment overwhelmed me. Oops, I did it again. My socks don’t match. And it’s not even close. I grab a deadlift shoe […]

Sanctified Reasoning

I deadlifted 295 lbs with no problem. It took effort, of course, and the five lifts leading up to it, 135, 185, 225, 250, and 275, were crucial to my success. It moved so well that my coach suggested that I go up. 305, 310, […]

Practicing the Pause

Last week I asked, “Who are you when you’re hungry?” This week there’s an acronym that keeps popping up in my mind. HALT. It stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. It serves as a reminder that these four common stressors are powerful enough to derail […]

The Process of Change

Change comes in stages for most of us. I remember knowing something had to change but not feeling quite ready.   My fear of failing, counting the what-ifs and overthinking caused me to hold back.  In pursuit of wellness and honoring our bodies as temples of […]

25 Things I Can Control

My dog killed a squirrel this morning.  Nothing is safe if it gets within her reach. Birds, lizards, and now a squirrel. I have no control over her actions. She barks too loud, she likes to play even when we’re tired, and she’s a hunter. […]