Last week I had a six-week checkup with my surgeon. He cleared me to begin strength training. He cautioned me about keeping the weights light and to begin with 2 lbs. Two pounds? Perhaps it sounds like nothing to you, but to me, it’s a […]
What Matters Is Knowing What Matters
Amid distractions and noise, it can be easy to lose sight of what matters most. With the holiday season around the corner we can expect to be bombarded with messages telling us what to buy, what to wear, and what to think. But what if […]
Myths and Misconceptions
Have you ever played the party game where you tell two truths and one lie? To win, you must hide the lie among the truths so that it’s hard to distinguish fact from fiction. On the surface, myths and misconceptions can seem like lies. The […]
What’s Your Favorite Comfort Food?
What’s your favorite comfort food? According to the Collins Dictionary, “If you call something comfort food, you mean it is enjoyable to eat and makes you feel happier, although it may not be very good for your health.” I’ve eaten my share of comfort food […]
She Didn’t Ask
Sometimes we know their location, like with the woman at the well. Or condition, like with the woman with the issue of blood. The woman on my heart tonight is known in the context of a relationship. After Jesus left the synagogue that day, He […]
Stop Fighting
This chapter of my life is called, ‘Stop fighting and Know That He Is God.’ It’s a story of surrender, faith, and trust. In this chapter, I’m learning to wait on Him, and in the process, grow into the woman He wants me to be. […]
For Better, for Worse
“To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part…” Back in 1981 on a rainy day in Wichita, Kansas my husband and […]
Why Did You?
Why did you post that picture? Why did you go to that event? Why did you show love to those people? Our behavior in real life or depicted in social media posts can lead to screenshots, questions, and gossip. Prayer, wisdom, and a willingness to […]
Not Today
The sound of their laughter is like fingernails on a chalkboard. “Ain’t nobody got time for this! Not today, satan.” Some days, I have to fight off rejection when left out of a conversation. When their heads touch as private jokes are whispered to one […]
I Surrender All
Teary-eyed, I stopped at the only traffic light in Belmopan. It was 5:25 a.m.. In the five-minute drive since leaving the house, I surrender all my thoughts to Him for the third time. When the light turned green, I chose to breathe with intention. I […]