Living Offended is a Choice

“Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is a choice.” I saw this quote on a friend’s social media page. For me, it is a profound truth about the human experience. Our social media feeds, the local news, and even casual conversations can be breeding grounds […]

Learning to Live Unafraid

Some days I am excited to share a story from my personal life with you, but there are some stories I would rather forget and move on. Prayerfully, I’m sharing this recent experience, and I’m learning to live unafraid again. Five nights ago, I went […]

All That Glitters

Have you ever been curious about something that sparkled from a distance, only to be disappointed upon closer inspection? This happened to me today on my prayer walk as I spotted something gleaming in the distance. With an inquisitive heart, eager to photograph something exciting, […]

Joyful Gratitude

I began my journey from Belize to Dallas and then Dallas to Albuquerque on May 30th. But God had other plans for me on the second half of the trip. To make a LONG story short, there were four gate changes and seven time changes […]

Dr. Google Says

Am the only one who takes time to Google my symptoms? Today, I experienced feeling warm, dizzy, and exhausted. I was uncertain whether it was due to heat exhaustion or dehydration. To put my mind at ease, I decided to see what Dr. Google says. […]

Shameless Persistence

Last week, I went on an overnight trip with a friend who is 32 years younger than me. She mentioned wanting to go paddle boarding, which I’d never done. My friend patiently gave me some basic instructions, and we set out in the shallow water. […]

No fuss, No drama

I saw a pacifier on the ground when I was out walking today. I’m not sure how long it’s been there. Long enough to be encrusted with dirt. It reminds me of when our children threw away their pacifiers. There came a day when they […]