My Husband Believes

I’ve been battling with tendonitis in my rotator cuff since May. I had no clue at the beginning of this ordeal. I thought the pain originated in my deltoid muscle. So I stretched, did mobility drills, and kept on working. Then I failed a lift […]

Shameless Persistence

“Shameless persistence.” My BFF briefly told me about a Bible Study session she led last week. I remember her using this phrase from Luke 11. “I tell you—because of your shameless persistence, even though it’s the middle of the night, your friend will get up […]

Jesus saw satan fall

Have you ever come back from a trip eager to share your experience? Twelve years ago, my husband, son, and I took a day trip across the Belize border into Mexico. It was nearly midnight when we reached a section of the highway with undeveloped […]

Gossip Di Run Long Time

“Gossip di run long time.” In English, we might say, “Gossip has been around for a long time.” Whenever our pastor slips into Belizean Kriol, I know the message will hit home. He was preaching from the  22nd chapter of Joshua. In verses 11-12 we […]

The God of Pivot

“He is the God of pivot.” I heard this comment in an Instagram video. What does God of pivot mean? My curiosity led me to the dictionary. A pivot is a shaft or pin on which something turns. What a perfect description of God. He […]

Hand Over the Shoes

“Hand over the shoes, and no one gets hurt.” This statement, from one of the most passionate Christian women I know, made me laugh hard.  And it’s my favorite from my social media posts. I purchased green shoes to match the emerald ring my husband […]

Prison or a Passport?

“Your perspective is either a prison or a passport.” I pondered these words throughout my workout this morning. Somedays we interrupt the music at the gym with a motivational recording. Today was one of those days. As I prepare for my next competition, the quality […]


Nothing Like the Real Thing

For the past 11 years, I’ve lived without daily bread. Being gluten-free in a developing country means making it yourself, or going without. So, I’ve gone without. Pancakes, waffles, or corn tortillas served as temporary replacements. In the beginning, I told myself that I didn’t […]