What is the most unusual question you’ve heard? I have to admit, “Are those your real arms?” still has me scratching my head. After all, I’m confident he knew my arms were real, so perhaps there was another reason for his question. This encounter led […]
Are You Christmas?
Have you ever left a retreat eager to share nuggets of wisdom with the world? Could you do it in another language? On the train to Moscow, my husband helped three older ladies with their mattresses. The boldest of the three said, “Zhank you, Sir!” […]
What If I Fail?
“What if I fail?” I asked this question out loud for the first time. Most often I keep close watch over the thoughts in my head. I don’t want to acknowledge thoughts like this. But today? Today I verbalized it. The answer? “Then we’ll know […]
How Can 30 Minutes Change Your Life?
How can 30 minutes change your life? November is Diabetes Awareness Month. And I spoke on Physical Activity at a Diabetes Summit last week. My research revealed that diet and exercise could delay or prevent diabetes. I learned that thirty minutes of exercise three times per […]
His Will, Finishing the Work, and Overnight Oats
I’m not much of a breakfast eater. For many years my first meal was lunch. This means that I typically worked out in a fasted state. A few weeks ago, I learned the importance of fueling my body for heavy lifting. I discovered that I […]
40 Days
Usually, this time of year, I practice 30 days of gratitude. Each day throughout November, I post on social media something I am grateful for that day. However, this year feels different. This year my thoughts keep turning toward how many days there are until […]
Conquering Hurdles In Our Thinking
“We’ve already conquered that hurdle, and we’re not going back over it again.” He looked me in the eyes as he reassured me that I was making progress. He’s watched me struggle with insecurity about my lifts. Is there a battle raging in your head […]
How hungry am I?
It’s after 8 pm, and pangs of hunger cause a rumbling in my stomach. It dawns on me that I’ve only had one meal today. I used to laugh at people who forgot to eat. And today, I’m one of them. I’ve been on the […]
What Moves You?
What moves you? My fitness journey began with walking. It’s a simple activity that nudged me from inactive to active, from pain to ease, and from insomnia to restorative sleep. Now powerlifting moves me— squat, bench, and deadlift. What activity gets you out of bed […]
Context Is Crucial
What do you do to delight yourself? It’s almost 8 pm, and I am stuffing my face with my favorite snack, popcorn. Most nights, I offer to share with my husband. But not tonight. Tonight I take pleasure in every crunch. True delight takes its […]