The Sin of Not Praying

I don’t even know her. She’s a friend of a friend. Each time she messaged me, it was to provide an update on her physical, emotional, or financial situation. Her “pray for me right now” arrived in my inbox at strange hours. I’ve heard that we’re either in a storm, coming out of a storm, or about to go into a storm. As I type, there’s a hurricane passing through my heart, overwhelming my senses, and flooding my spirit. Burdens, heavier than the weight I lifted today, plague my soul. Yet, I dare not add the sin of not praying to my list of woes. 

The Sin of Not Praying

As for me, I will certainly not sin against the Lord by ending my prayers for you. And I will continue to teach you what is good and right.”‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭12‬:‭23‬ ‭NLT


I felt peace as I restricted her access to me on social media. Immediately, I felt protected from her incessant demand for my attention. I prayed for her before and after I made the decision not to allow her to contact me for the time being. Does that make me a bad Christian or a pathetic missionary?

Before taking the step to restrict her access, a scripture had gripped my heart, and I surrendered to its embrace.

Can You Help?

If you can help your neighbor now, don’t say, “Come back tomorrow, and then I’ll help you.”‭‭ Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭28‬ ‭NLT‬‬


I asked myself, am I asking her to come back tomorrow or withholding help in any way? No, I don’t think so, I continue to pray for her each time she comes to mind. I prayed for her before I sat down to write. But, I can’t handle the unending notifications regarding her daily storms. I have no answers for her other than taking her name before His throne. I trust that He knows her needs and will not leave her unprotected. 

Dear one, dip your cup into the Fountain of Life. A full cup means that you’ll serve from the fullness of His grace that you find at the foot of the cross.  Social media gives the illusion of connection where none exists. If you’re overwhelmed by demands from people outside the circle God has given you to serve, please know that you can help from a distance. It’s time to set firm boundaries and fill your cup full to overflowing with Living Water.


2 thoughts on “The Sin of Not Praying

  1. I love this! Boundaries are a Godly way to show love to others and to yourself. Protecting your own peace of mind is your own responsibility- no one else can do it for you. Thank you for sharing this.

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