The final sip or the last bite? Which one do you savor most? Staring at the table before me, I contemplated this choice. I decided to eat the last bite of cake and follow it with the final sip of coffee. I’m grateful that minuscule […]
Tag: spiritual journey
So, How Did It Go?
Our family, meaning my husband, our two children and me, often speak to one another in movie quotes. “So, how did it go?” is a line we picked up many years ago from the movie Aladdin. My husband often used Iago, the parrot’s voice, to […]
The Problem with Motivation
Do you know the problem with motivation? Motivation is a feeling, and feelings are subject to change. Strong feelings of “I got this” at the beginning of the year might dissolve in the reality of the day-to-day grind. Motivation feels. Discipline does. Motivation inspires the […]
Make Room in Your Heart
By now we’ve made room in our homes for gifts, family, and friends. An old Christmas carol says, “Let every heart prepare Him room.” I’m grateful for Mary’s example. Her story teaches the importance of making room in your heart. Mary opened space in her […]
The Gift That You Cannot Buy
It’s that time of year when we check our lists against our available funds to determine who gets what. But what about the gift you cannot buy? The gift that is a sacrifice and not an item on your to-do list. As we count down […]
Soul-piercing Moments
There is beauty in being present, even in the soul-piercing moments of life. Today, I celebrated being eight weeks post-surgery. These weeks have held several experiences that have left an indelible mark on my heart. Some moments were joy-packed, overflowing with gratitude, and smiling from […]
What Matters Is Knowing What Matters
Amid distractions and noise, it can be easy to lose sight of what matters most. With the holiday season around the corner we can expect to be bombarded with messages telling us what to buy, what to wear, and what to think. But what if […]
She Didn’t Ask
Sometimes we know their location, like with the woman at the well. Or condition, like with the woman with the issue of blood. The woman on my heart tonight is known in the context of a relationship. After Jesus left the synagogue that day, He […]
Stop Fighting
This chapter of my life is called, ‘Stop fighting and Know That He Is God.’ It’s a story of surrender, faith, and trust. In this chapter, I’m learning to wait on Him, and in the process, grow into the woman He wants me to be. […]
For Better, for Worse
“To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part…” Back in 1981 on a rainy day in Wichita, Kansas my husband and […]