I wish. It’s a simple statement. I wish I had more time, I wish I could be there for you, or I wish we could all get along. Wishing is a normal part of human life. During my walk on Sunday afternoon, I saw dandelions […]
Finishing God’s Sentences
I’ve known my best friend for 12 years, I’ve been married to my husband for 42 years, and I’ve been my mother’s daughter for 60 years. Because of how close I am to them, it’s second nature to try to finish their sentences. And there […]
Is He Lord of Our Decisions
“Is He Lord of our decisions?” During my time in Kansas back in 2020, I had several opportunities to chat with my brother, the Coach. One thing we discussed was calming yourself down before making a decision. He advises his athletes to do this during […]
Signs and Shadows
My coach issued a 10k-a-day step challenge to all of his athletes. I love to walk, especially outdoors. So my hand went up quickly to join in. Besides, I know from personal experience that walking and strength training are a great complement to one another. […]
Could You Do It?
Do you remember that meme on social media about slapping your best friend for a million dollars? Some variations replaced best friend with sibling, cousin, or mother. I’d forgive my kids if they split the money with me. But both of them said they couldn’t […]
When It’s Not My Story to Tell
In high school, I loved hearing the juicy details of someone else’s life. As I’ve gotten older, and the stories get more complicated, I no longer relish having the inside scoop. As a helper, there are times when I long to carry the message to […]
I Will Show You
How long do you keep your Christmas tree up? I just took down our Christmas tree a few days ago. It’s not normal for me to leave my tree up for three months. But our sudden trip out of the country changed everything. I returned […]
Do You Think I’m Impressed?
The Lenten season is now in full swing. I know because today was a day of fasting for us. The church we belong to here held a corporate fast followed by Bible study and prayer. The passage of scripture used is Isaiah 58:1-9. Look at […]
When Not If
What a difference a word makes. The word ‘if,’ in my mind, is about probability. But the word ‘when’ means it’s just a matter of time. Some things are inevitable and we must be prepared for them. Hurricane season comes every year. It’s ‘when’ not […]
The Secret of Being Content
How did you celebrate the holiday on Monday? My husband and I went to see the movie Mean Girls. It’s about the trials and traumas teens face dealing with the social aspect of high school. Although I have fond memories of those years, my husband […]