I Will Show You

How long do you keep your Christmas tree up? I just took down our Christmas tree a few days ago. It’s not normal for me to leave my tree up for three months. But our sudden trip out of the country changed everything. I returned […]

When Not If

What a difference a word makes. The word ‘if,’ in my mind, is about probability. But the word ‘when’ means it’s just a matter of time. Some things are inevitable and we must be prepared for them. Hurricane season comes every year. It’s ‘when’ not […]

Savor The Moment

The final sip or the last bite? Which one do you savor most? Staring at the table before me, I contemplated this choice. I decided to eat the last bite of cake and follow it with the final sip of coffee. I’m grateful that minuscule […]

Gratitude and Grief

In the last few days, I’ve learned that gratitude and grief can coexist in the same heart. God’s grace is indeed sufficient for both. Grace makes space to cherish the memories of our loved one while missing the warmth of their presence. I’m grateful for […]