I am convinced that strength is a skill. A skill we learn and master strength over the course of time. Physical strength isn’t just about muscle mass; strength training requires the brain and body to work together efficiently. I am discovering that over time, with […]
Self-Soothing or Self-Care?
In spite of my disciplined fitness routine, I was today years old when I realized that I needed to make a choice: self-soothing or self-care. For me, self-soothing comes naturally. A package of gluten-free Oreos, washed down with sugar-free Dr. Pepper while binge-watching Netflix, takes […]
Measure Twice, Cut Once
Measure twice, cut once is a real thing. Today I learned the hard way that I need to double-check the measurements before cutting. I was so eager to start insulating my shed’s walls that I used a ‘guestimate’ instead of an accurate measurement. Measure and […]
His Intrusive Touch
“We fear His intrusive touch might disorder the life we’ve built or are trying to build.” Priscilla Shirer I started reading Priscilla Shirer’s new book, ‘I Surrender All’, and the quote above jumped out at me because of the word ‘intrusive.’ It’s a word […]
The Problem with Motivation
Do you know the problem with motivation? Motivation is a feeling, and feelings are subject to change. Strong feelings of “I got this” at the beginning of the year might dissolve in the reality of the day-to-day grind. Motivation feels. Discipline does. Motivation inspires the […]
How Long, O Lord?
It was ten years, seven months, and twenty-five days ago that we stood outside the airport in Cancun, Mexico. Hugging goodbye, we were no longer a missionary family of two parents and two children. We had evolved, split off into four adults living in three […]
Stop Fighting
This chapter of my life is called, ‘Stop fighting and Know That He Is God.’ It’s a story of surrender, faith, and trust. In this chapter, I’m learning to wait on Him, and in the process, grow into the woman He wants me to be. […]
Eat the Bread, Drink the Water
Satiety. (Suh-tie-uh-tee) You know the feeling of fullness that persists after eating? That’s satiety. It’s a complex process involving several factors, including the type and amount of food, along with the person’s individual metabolism. I don’t know about you, but oftentimes my cravings, the type […]
Modesty is Relative
What does it mean to be modest in 2021? Are there still standards for how a woman should dress in public? How I dress as a worship leader is different from how I dress at the gym. At the gym, I dress according to the […]
True Strength is a Mindset
I wholeheartedly believe that a woman’s true strength is a mindset. I’ve been studying Jael lately. Her short story is found in chapter four of Judges. At first glance, Jael’s tale is one of remarkable physical strength. Yet, it goes much deeper than that. Her […]