
Diet Secrets

She leaned in close, whispering, “Give me your diet secrets.” Stunned for a moment, I smile before answering. In my quiet time, I’d read the words of Jesus, “my food is to do the will of Him who sent me.” I wonder how well that […]


Water Before Coffee

I blacked out at the gym on my 55th birthday. Confused, fatigued, and irritated, somehow I made my way home. A cup of coffee was all that I had chosen to sustain me through my workout. The diagnosis from the doctor was dehydration. Water before […]


How hungry am I?

It’s after 8 pm, and pangs of hunger cause a rumbling in my stomach. It dawns on me that I’ve only had one meal today.  I used to laugh at people who forgot to eat. And today, I’m one of them.  I’ve been on the […]


Pray, Sweat, Eat, Repeat

Welcome to Pray, Sweat, Eat, Repeat. I’ve noticed several new names on my email list! So let me introduce myself. My name is Alida.  I laugh really loud, and I cry easily. I’m an introvert who co-hosts a radio show. And I’m a worship leader […]


What Can You Do With Sage?

Kale, sage, chives, mint, and oregano, made their debut in my yard this week.  My husband has discovered Keto, but I have difficulty eating too much fat in one meal.  As we work together in the kitchen to support one another, we’re learning what adjustments […]