An Undistracted Life

“Mary has discovered the one thing most important by choosing to sit at my feet. She is undistracted, and I won’t take this privilege from her.” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭10‬:‭42‬ ‭TPT‬‬


An undistracted life, like Mary’s, is fully focused on present-moment experiences with Him. Every detail of hospitality? Martha has it covered. But Mary? Her decision is laser-focused and crystal clear. Her choice is unadulterated with busyness, unwavering in devotion, and unbothered by her sister’s anxious activities.

Mary Chose a New Path

As a woman, Mary knows the expectations of her role. She knows the path Martha wants her to take. And yet, her countercultural choice was the best one. The most important one. She chose Jesus.

How often does our social-media-driven society distract us?  I’ve lost count of the times I’ve picked up my phone to check one thing and spent a half hour chasing an unrelated rabbit trail. Mary’s path was focused.

She Chose to Listen

Sitting at Jesus’s feet seems like a luxury. Yet, Jesus makes it clear that it is not. It is vital to our growth as followers. As a disciple, listening to Him and spending time with Him is essential.  Mary, a true disciple, discovered the most important thing: time with Jesus. I believe that time with Him is not an item to be checked off a to-do list but an investment. Time spent listening to a loved one is time well invested. But when we listen to Christ, it’s like an investment multiplied by compound interest.

She Chose Herself 

The ultimate form of self-care is found at Christ’s feet. Time in His presence grounds us. Focused moments yield blessings we can’t always see in real-time. Instead of waiting on the guests, and making sure everyone’s taken care of, Mary chose her spiritual development.

She Chose to be Misunderstood

When we choose an undistracted life, Bob Goff says, “You’re going to be misunderstood.” Mary risked being questioned, misunderstood, and criticized for her choice. Her sister was so upset she complained to Jesus. I’m convinced that Martha fully believed she was reading the room correctly. Guests were present and the chores needed to get done. A burden shared is a burden halved, but Mary wasn’t carrying her weight. 

Fortunately for Mary, her actions were approved by Christ. How many of us, in trying to grow spiritually are willing to follow her example? This week, may we look for an opportunity to choose a new path, to listen to His voice, work on our personal spiritual development, and risk being misunderstood. May we begin the process of living an undistracted life. That’s my goal anyway, let me know yours!


2 thoughts on “An Undistracted Life

  1. Thank you for this post! We are currently in a situation where we’re sheltering a young woman from an abusive relationship & many family members have plainly told us to not get involved, but in my heart I know that is not what Christ would have us do. It’s so hard when you know at your core your doing right because you’ve prayed & received confirmation to stay the course, but the world tells you “everyone out for themselves”. That’s not what Jesus said.

    1. J, I hear you. May you be strengthened as you follow what God put on your heart to do. My prayers are with you and the young woman you’re sheltering.

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