Where does your food come from? Farm to table. The catch of the day. Uber Eats. In some parts of the world, it’s easy to download an app, press a few buttons, and order whatever we want. At the same time, there are those of us who hunt through several stores to find the items on our list. But, how often do we consider the importance of where our food comes from? Tony Evans says, “we don’t just live by what we eat. We live by where our food comes from.“
Not by Bread Alone
In Matthew 4:4, we learn that we don’t live by bread alone (physical food) but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Ah! How often do we feast on words from the mouth of God? During this Lenten season, some choose to fast. Fasting is a spiritual practice that leads to self-examination, repentance, and a renewal of the soul. Focusing on spiritual food instead of gratifying our stomachs leads to hunger. And we can find holiness buried within hunger. The type of food found doing the Father’s will help us grow and develop strong spiritual muscles. These muscles aid us in prayer, service, and imitating Christ.
Consider The Source
It wasn’t always important to me to buy local goods. But, I’ve learned that whether it’s honey or yogurt, or fresh produce, supporting small businesses is vital to the health of our local economies. Likewise, it is essential to our health and well-being as Believers to partake of the rich, filling, and nourishing Source of sustenance God provides in His word. Daily consumption brings vitality to our spirits and saturates our being with His presence. As we anticipate celebrating the Resurrection, may we also look forward to feeding on doing the will of God (John 4:34). And may we rejoice in knowing where our food comes from!
Let’s Reflect
When was the last time you fed on God’s word? Take time to meditate on Matthew 4:4, listen to God’s prompting, and write out your insights.
Let’s Pray
Precious Lamb of God, we come before You to acknowledge that You are the true Source of all nourishment. We look to You for daily bread that fills our hearts and satisfies our souls. You are our God, and we live by every word that comes from You. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Thanks for this write-up Alida. Indeed, we do not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds from God – the Bible.