Brace. Sink. Drive.

Brace. Sink. Drive. Each time I squat, these action cues run through my mind. A cue is a simple reminder to direct our attention to a specific aspect of our technique. As I come underneath the bar, before I unrack it, I tell myself, “much increase comes from the strength of an ox.”  Are you looking for an increase? An increase in finances, strength, or total well-being? It takes hard work to bring about an increase. Powerlifters can lift heavier weights because we lift heavy weights. Likewise, believers handle the load God gives us by handling the load God gives us. How do we do this? We remember the action cues; Brace. Sink. Drive.


In powerlifting, this phrase reminds us to keep tension throughout our core so that our bodies don’t collapse during a heavy lift. We wear lifting belts to aid us as we brace. As believers, we also have a belt that helps us brace for the heavy work of spiritual warfare. The apostle Paul puts it like this:

Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist (Eph 6:14NIV)

If we desire to stand firm throughout spiritual battles,  we must know the truths of God’s Word. His truth protects our core so we can stand and face whatever obstacle or firey arrow comes our way.


For powerlifters, there is a competition standard to be met. We must be willing to sink low to reach the required depth for a successful squat. For believers, we also have a standard set by God’s Word that tells us what He expects of our behavior, thought life, and words.

for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16 NIV)

We must sink low and immerse ourselves in the Word to meet the standard of holiness required by our Holy, holy, holy God. 


We must brace for the duration of the lift, and after we sink to the required depth, we immediately drive our bodies back up to a standing position. The goal is to control the ascent and stand up under the heavy weight.

They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand firm. (Psalm 20:8 NIV)

We stand firm and continue to stand in the face of adversity because of His strength, not ours. We brace, sink, and drive to victory; with the belt of truth securely around our core, we rise and stand firm in Him.

Let’s Reflect

Have you ever had a time when God placed an action on your heart? Are there passages of scripture that you use to get yourself through a challenging moment, day, season? Ask the Lord to give you a word or a phrase to guide your actions, thoughts, and words throughout the day.

Let’s Pray

Father, You are the God, the one and only God who rules and reigns forever. You set the standard of holiness. Teach us how to brace, sink, and drive so that we may stand firm when we face opposition from the enemy. Lord, may our prayers be strategic, may our walk be intentional, and may our hearts be fully set on You. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

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