
Eat, Move, and Follow

Eat nutrient-dense food, move your body daily, and think positive thoughts to be successful. Three things that I hear touted by health and wellness influencers.  On the other hand, there’s a movement that says, “Eat the cookie, buy the shoes, and live your best life!” […]


A Recipe For Peace

I just started reading Tabitha Brown’s cookbook, Cooking From the Spirit. In this inspirational book, none of the recipes have to be followed as written; she gives a list of ingredients, but the final result? Well, honey, as Tab would say, “That’s your business!” As […]


Nothing Is Wasted

After everyone was full, Jesus told his disciples, “Now gather the leftovers, so that nothing is wasted.” John‬ ‭6‬:‭12‬ ‭NLT‬‬   A gathering of crumbs ushered my thoughts into a moment of decision. Nothing of life-or-death proportions, just a simple venture into the what-ifs and […]


Nothing Like the Real Thing

For the past 11 years, I’ve lived without daily bread. Being gluten-free in a developing country means making it yourself, or going without. So, I’ve gone without. Pancakes, waffles, or corn tortillas served as temporary replacements. In the beginning, I told myself that I didn’t […]


Fasting for Advent

Advent is a sacred holiday season, and this first week of Advent is about Hope. As a personal trainer, I hear about Hope as my clients express their goals. The women I work with face various challenges while seeking to improve their overall well-being. This […]