Eat nutrient-dense food, move your body daily, and think positive thoughts to be successful. Three things that I hear touted by health and wellness influencers. On the other hand, there’s a movement that says, “Eat the cookie, buy the shoes, and live your best life!” […]
Category: Eat
A Recipe For Peace
I just started reading Tabitha Brown’s cookbook, Cooking From the Spirit. In this inspirational book, none of the recipes have to be followed as written; she gives a list of ingredients, but the final result? Well, honey, as Tab would say, “That’s your business!” As […]
Nothing Is Wasted
After everyone was full, Jesus told his disciples, “Now gather the leftovers, so that nothing is wasted.” John 6:12 NLT A gathering of crumbs ushered my thoughts into a moment of decision. Nothing of life-or-death proportions, just a simple venture into the what-ifs and […]
Do You Think I’m Impressed?
The Lenten season is now in full swing. I know because today was a day of fasting for us. The church we belong to here held a corporate fast followed by Bible study and prayer. The passage of scripture used is Isaiah 58:1-9. Look at […]
My Grandmother’s Cornbread
Eating dinner at my grandparent’s house was always a treat. The lingering aroma of yummy homebaked goodness greeted my brothers and me at the door each Sunday after church. I have many cherished food memories, each one a delight to the senses. Do you have […]
What’s Your Favorite Comfort Food?
What’s your favorite comfort food? According to the Collins Dictionary, “If you call something comfort food, you mean it is enjoyable to eat and makes you feel happier, although it may not be very good for your health.” I’ve eaten my share of comfort food […]
Nothing Like the Real Thing
For the past 11 years, I’ve lived without daily bread. Being gluten-free in a developing country means making it yourself, or going without. So, I’ve gone without. Pancakes, waffles, or corn tortillas served as temporary replacements. In the beginning, I told myself that I didn’t […]
Who Are You When You’re Hungry?
What if she ordered food, opened the cash box, took out twenty dollars, and when the delivery man arrived, paid for her meal with her employer’s money? This seems like a shocking move from someone hired to clean the premises. But, who are you when […]
Pray. Sweat. Eat Date Butter. Repeat.
Pray. Sweat. Eat Date Butter. Repeat. This is the first post of 2023 that I can label, Eat. I confess that I’ve had dates on the brain all day. Whenever I hold a date between my thumb and forefinger, I press down lightly and watch […]
Fasting for Advent
Advent is a sacred holiday season, and this first week of Advent is about Hope. As a personal trainer, I hear about Hope as my clients express their goals. The women I work with face various challenges while seeking to improve their overall well-being. This […]