I’ve been on some form of diet to make myself smaller since I was 16 years old. Diet culture implores us to conform or contort ourselves to fit society’s ever-changing standard of perfection. Looking back, each time I hit my goal weight, the goalpost had moved to a new location. But, God’s standards? They never change, they hold strong. I’m done choosing small; I’m choosing strong.
Choosing Strong
Jesus’s strength reveals itself to me in new ways as I dig into the Word. I noticed that before He drove out those buying and selling in the temple, He looked at everything.
And he entered Jerusalem and went into the temple. And when he had looked around at everything, as it was already late, he went out to Bethany with the twelve. Mark 11:11 ESV
His strength is in noticing the details. The fully-God part of Him knew what was going on, but the fully-human part of Him went to survey the situation. If our bodies are His temple, shouldn’t we expect Him to look around at everything we embody? When we choose strong, we open ourselves up to His gaze.
Strength Waits For the Right Time
Jesus didn’t act on what He saw in the moment. He took His time. He left Jerusalem, went to Bethany, and returned the following day. (Mark 11:12) But Jesus didn’t even go straight there. After the incident with the fig tree, He came to Jerusalem and began to drive out those who sold and bought. He overturned the money-changers tables and unseated those who sold pigeons. Those whose priority was something other than prayer had to go. (Mark 11:15) When we choose strong, we survey and wait before we act.
Strength Prioritizes Prayer
Temples are houses of prayer. Jesus didn’t prioritize profitability in the Temple. We might admire the insightful entrepreneur who seeks to provide convenient one-stop shopping in the church. But Jesus didn’t make convenience the main thing, either. Prayer is the main thing. Connecting with God is the priority. When we choose strong, we focus on being a house of prayer.
Choosing small as a temple of God might make us look good to society, but choosing strong will bring glory and honor to Him. Let’s look around, take note of His teaching, and eliminate whatever habits that keep us from becoming a house of prayer. During these weeks leading up to celebrating our Lord’s Resurrection, let’s start choosing strong as we wait on Him.
*For those of you who prayer walk, look closely at your surroundings, thoughts, and habits. Commit to paying attention to detail and listen to His voice.