After a sweat-soaked 45 minutes on the treadmill at three mph, I lowered the speed to one mph, held onto the sides, slowly turned around, and started walking backward for five minutes.
Why walk backward?
I admit that the first time I saw it at the gym, I laughed. As more people began engaging in the activity, I decided to do some research and then give it a try. Monday was my first attempt. As I walked, I was so focused on each step that I didn’t even consider what others might think of my behavior.
Retro walking
Walking backward, also known as retro walking, offers physical and cognitive benefits. As the body adapts to this unfamiliar movement pattern, it can enhance balance, improve brain-body coordination, and increase core stability. This action employs different neural pathways, which may lead to better focus and memory. When recovering from injuries, backward walking can help rebuild strength, improve gait, and correct posture.
The Spiritual Discipline of Walking Backward
Walking backward also signifies repentance. Sometimes, in our walk with God, we must turn back to the Truth.
…why do these people stay on their self-destructive path? Why do the people of Jerusalem refuse to turn back? They cling tightly to their lies and will not turn around. Jeremiah 8:5 NLT
Repentance is a spiritual discipline that brings us back into alignment with God. To repent is to turn around. It’s not a 360-degree turn because that would put us back in the same position. No, repentance is going back to God’s path. It’s a letting go of ungodly mindsets or behaviors that move us off the path of righteousness. To repent is to regret offending God. It’s more than an ‘I’m sorry.’ It’s a radical change in one’s thinking that leads to a transformation in behavior.
Turn to Him
Let go, turn around, and walk back to the One who formed your heart with His hands. This world wants our hearts shaped by the crowd who believes their way is the right way. The enemy is always strategically working to distort God’s standards. But walking backward to the Truth is our key to moving forward in Him.
*For those who prayer walk, ask God to reveal what narratives from the world you’re clinging tightly to.
💯!!! I walk backwards on the elliptical machine and it kicks my butt.