I Know Them

As I wrapped up my final set of deadlifts, sheer exhaustion crashed over me like a tidal wave. My muscles were begging for mercy, and I was more than ready to call it a day after my longest workout of the week. It was Day 1 of this training block—an SBD day—squat, bench, deadlift. I know them well.  Today’s programming? Four sets of six reps for each lift.

24 Lifts

Now, you might think that 24 lifts sounds easy. But in reality, I can’t simply load 250 lbs on the bar and immediately deadlift it. No, that would be a recipe for failure or injury. I have to gradually warm up to the weight, letting my body acclimate and prep for the heavy lifting ahead. Now imagine doing that with each lift. So, as I was on my final set of the final lift for the day, all eyes were on me. Three powerlifting coaches, with a combination of 74 years of experience, wanted to help me improve how I was moving the weight.

Who’s Voice Takes Priority? 

Mind you, I was trying to focus on my personal coach’s directions. He is located in Belize so I video each lift and send them to him for his feedback. He gave me cues to focus on, so his words were in my head as the others were offering up their feedback in the middle of my last set. Tired, in pain, and ready to be done, I had to make a choice on which voice would hold my attention.

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” ‭‭John‬ ‭10‬:‭27‬ ‭NLT‬‬


We as His sheep, have one Shepherd to listen to.  Others, possibly with more experience, may want to offer us guidance based on what works for them. But, our task is to keep His words in our heads, hearts, and actions, so we can accomplish the work He has set aside for us. The other voices can be loud, and come from people you respect, but if they are out of alignment with the Word of God we have to let them fade into the background.

I Know Them 

God knows His sheep intimately. He knows the words we need to hear. His cues come in the form that He knows we will understand. Jesus is the Voice saying to our circumstances, “I know them.” His voice is the One we need to follow every step of the way. Be grateful for those who speak into your life. But, give priority to the One who truly knows us, loves us, and gave His life for us.

*For those of you who prayer walk, ponder the voice that has captured your attention. Is it His?

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