No One Needs to Hear About

Honestly, I’m embarrassed to tell you what I’ve been through since Saturday. I descend from proud, honorable, hardworking women who kept their stories to themselves. To save face and retain dignity, they minded their business and expected others in the family to do the same. After all, no one needs to hear about your problems. But whenever I feel a nudge from God to share my testimony, I have to speak up.

“What brings you in for this procedure today?” he asked, pausing to make room for my answer. I adjust the warm blanket covering my hospital-gown-clad body and ponder where to begin. Why am I getting a colonoscopy at age 61? After all, the recommended age for your first one is 45. But at 45 years old, we were living in Russia. Does this doctor need to know or even want to know my story? “We’ve lived outside of the States for 18 years, and it’s time for us to catch up on our medical care.” I use these 21 words to summarize the 300 in my head as to why I am here.

Make Room to WALK

Wisdom, Authenticity, Love, and Kindness.

When we open our hearts to WALK in the wisdom from above, we reveal our most authentic selves. We act in love and treat one another with kindness as we share what matters. The procedure I had done is essential to detect and prevent colorectal cancer, which is one of the most common types of cancer. Detection and prevention of this commonly occurring cancer type should give everyone who undergoes this test a reason to speak up. I could hide behind the perception that no one needs to hear about it, but God won’t let me. Wisdom tells me that speaking up could save someone’s life, set someone at ease, or give them courage. Love speaks up. It’s an act of kindness to tell our stories.

No One Needs to Hear About It

It’s an uncomfortable, vulnerable topic that I believe someone needs to hear about. The absolute worst part of the examination for me was the preparation work that happened beforehand. There is the food plan that had to be adopted, the overwhelming amount of fluid to consume, topped off with a lack of sleep due to the number of trips to the bathroom throughout the night before the test. But, for me, it was worth it to leave the hospital knowing where I stand. I’m healthy, free of any issue in that area of my body, and can move forward to the next exam needed, a mammogram.

Compile A Narrative

Many have undertaken to compile a narrative about the events that have been fulfilled among us,” Luke‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬ ‭CSB‬‬


It’s important to normalize discussing topics that make us uncomfortable and encourage more people to prioritize their health and wellness. We must compile a narrative telling others about what God has done for us, in us, and through us. Because otherwise, the level of discomfort we assign to various topics becomes the lens through which we view life. You could be one narrative away from changing someone’s life. It’s not too late to tell your story. We don’t have to share every gory detail, but having authenticity in our current stage of life makes room for us to WALK in full alignment with God. 

*For those of you who prayer walk, ponder the acronym WALK, ask God to reveal the words hidden within the word as you move in His presence.

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