Work Willingly

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Colossians 3:23

This week, I am an official, coach, and athlete handler at the North American Regional Powerlifting Championships. It feels strange not competing myself, as this is my third year being involved. Athletes are supposed to compete, right? Instead of representing the Belize National Team as an athlete, this year my work is supportive in nature. As an official, I’m obligated to do my part in making the meet run smoothly.


After spending a day in back-to-back meetings, on Day 1 of the Championships, I had the role of Technical Controller. I stood in the doorway controlling the flow of traffic on and off the competition platform. This position gave me a front-row view of every lift.


Right off the bat, I faced a dilemma. I wanted to cheer for and support my Belizean teammate, but as an official, I’m supposed to be unbiased. It felt like I had two choices,

1. don’t cheer for anyone, or

2. cheer for everyone.

I chose to cheer for everyone. And that was the best choice! The women were excited, encouraged, and felt a positive spirit, as one young woman put on social media.

I prayed silently as I walked through the venue that morning, asking God for safety for each athlete and for them feel His presence. God wants us to take any task, large or small, and invite Him into it.

Work Willingly

As we work willingly, doing the job as if God is our employer will bring honor to Him. Working as if we are working for the Lord, deepens our intimacy with Him, and allows others a glimpse of His power flowing through us.

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