How did you celebrate the holiday on Monday? My husband and I went to see the movie Mean Girls. It’s about the trials and traumas teens face dealing with the social aspect of high school. Although I have fond memories of those years, my husband and I met in high school, I would not want to repeat that phase of life. One of the problems the girls faced was secrets. As an adult, I’ve learned that keeping someone’s confidence is a major honor. It is also a huge responsibility. But oh how I loved a juicy secret. And still do. Only now, I cherish them like treasure, especially when they’re found in God’s word.
In Philippians 4:11 Paul says,
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
The Secret of Being Content
Paul reveals the secret in verse 13 when he says,
I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Like Paul we can practice this method of contentment. It’s not a trait that we are born with, but a skill to be learned. No matter what Paul had to face, he learned to rely on the One with the strength to get us through.
Faith in God is a source of strength and resilience in difficult times. God’s presence and love can provide the foundation we need for peace and contentment. Paul lays aside his strength and willingly accepts God’s strength. He knows that he doesn’t have to fix it. God can. And God will.
Paul models for us that true contentment is not about our external conditions. The secret of being content lies in our state of mind and heart. And when our internal gauge is set on Christ, we are capable of enduring any and all situations we find ourselves in. Paul doesn’t say it’s easy, after all, he had to learn how to overcome adversity. Which means he had experience being hungry and tolerating unmet needs.
It’s not about finding a life hack for every situation. But, it’s about how willing we are to learn secrets at the feet of Christ. He has the strength we need. Let’s commit to relying on Him during this Lenten Season. And may He fill us in on more juicy secrets to living a life of true contentment!